Background: The aim of this study was to analyze risk factors, therapeutic
strategies, and functional and anatomic results of eyes with severe suprach
oroidal hemorrhage.
Patients: Eight of 11 bleeding episodes occurred intraoperatively and 3/11
postoperatively. Bleeding was associated with the following surgical proced
ures: perforating keratoplasty (5 x), extracapsular cataract extraction (3
x), pars plana vitrectomy (2 x), intracapsular cataract extraction (1 x).
Results: Nine operations were performed with general anesthesia, two after
retrobulbar injection. Ocular risk factors (e.g., prior operations, ocular
diseases) and general risk factors (e.g., cardiovascular diseases, diabetes
) were analyzed. At the end of the follow-up time visual acuity had improve
d in three eyes, and it was unchanged in one eye and worse in seven eyes. F
our eyes were amaurotic; two of them had to be enucleated.
Conclusions: In spite of using state-of-the-art surgical techniques the pro
gnosis of suprachoroidal bleeding remains serious. Patients who have a comb
ination of several ocular and general risk factors almost exclusively are t
he ones who afflicted by this complication.