PURPOSE: To establish the normal variations of the postcricoid portion of t
he hypopharynx, esophageal verge, and cervical esophagus, as seen on comput
ed tomographic (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) images.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred twenty-one CT and 92 Md images were revi
ewed. Diameter and wall thickness were measured at multiple levels. Depicti
on of the layers of the musculature and adjacent fat planes was evaluated.
The frequency and size of the tracheoesophageal lymph nodes were noted.
RESULTS: An esophageal anteroposterior diameter greater than 16 mm and late
ral diameter greater than 24 mm were considered abnormal. The average wall
thickness was 4.8 mm laterally and 3.8 mm posteriorly. Demonstration of the
intramural fat planes of the postcricoid region decreased from the upper t
o the lower region of the cricoid cartilage. The ability to separate the es
ophageal wall from the trachea was highest at the esophageal verge and decl
ined markedly more distally. The tracheoesophageal groove nodes were seen m
ore often on the right (mean size [+/- SD], 4.5 mm +/- 2.2).
CONCLUSION: Knowledge of the normal appearance-and variations of the postcr
icoid region and cervical esophagus is essential in detecting abnormalities
in these areas.