Force and position sensors have been widely used in robots to realize compl
iance and precise control. Traditional force! position control methods were
studied and developed by the inverse dynamics for decades. Generally speak
ing, the controller contains two parts: One is the error-driven part that g
uarantees system stability; another is the identification model of inverse
dynamics that can compensate for system influence. In practical control eng
ineering, a system inverse dynamics or its identification model is not easy
to obtain, even when using nonlinear estimation methods. Moreover, the com
plicated control algorithm cannot be implemented in on-board microprocessor
s because of the limited speed and memory. Thus, a simplified control metho
d using a forward system model is introduced in this paper. Since the direc
t dynamics of the system can be more easily obtained than the inverse dynam
ics, this, in turn, simplifies the control structure and increases control
speed. Therefore, the proposed control policy has a wider practical applica