Insomnia is the most common sleep complaint reported to physicians. Treatme
nt has traditionally involved medication. Behavioral approaches have been a
vailable far decades, but lack of physician awareness and training, difficu
lty in obtaining reimbursements, and questions about efficacy have limited
their use.
These practice parameters review the current evidence with regards to a var
iety of nonpharmacologic treatments for insomnia. Using a companion paper w
hich provides a background review, the available literature was analyzed. T
he evidence was graded by previously reported criteria of the American Acad
emy of Sleep Medicine with references to American Psychological Association
criteria. Treatments considered include: stimulus control, progressive mus
cle relaxation, paradoxical intention, biofeedback, sleep restriction, mult
icomponent cognitive behavioral therapy sleep hygiene education, imagery tr
aining, and cognitive therapy.
Improved experimental design has significantly advanced the process of eval
uation of nonpharmacologic treatments for insomnia using guidelines outline
d by the American Psychological Association (APA). Recommendations for indi
vidual therapies using the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommendatio
n levels for each are: Stimulus Control (Standard); Progressive Muscle Rela
xation, Paradoxical Intention, and Biofeedback (Guidelines); Sleep Restrict
ion, and Multicomponent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Options); Sleep Hygie
ne Education, Imagery Training, and Cognitive Therapy had insufficient evid
ence to be recommended as a single therapy. Optimal duration of therapy. wh
o should perform the treatments, long term outcomes and safety concerns, an
d the effect of treatment on quality of life are questions in need of futur
e research.