Background: This study examines the relations between birth cohort, gender,
and family history of alcohol problems on alcohol dependence, and on the e
ndorsement of alcohol abuse/dependence symptoms related to antisocial behav
Methods: Men (n = 1365) and women (n = 625) were recruited from the communi
ty, hospitals, and other treatment sites and were given a structured diagno
stic interview. Data were analyzed by using logistic regression.
Results: Age of first regular alcohol use was lower in more recent birth co
horts for both men and women, with those born in the most recent cohort rep
orting earliest regular use. The decline across cohort was more dramatic in
women than in men. For those participants with a diagnosis of alcohol depe
ndence, being born in a more recent cohort was associated with increased ri
sk of dependence onset before age 25. Among those participants with onset o
f alcohol dependence before age 25 (n(men) = 400; n(women) = 51), being bor
n in a more recent cohort was associated with increased risk of fights whil
e drinking, police involvement, and drunk driving trouble as well as with i
ncreased risk for a diagnosis of abuse or dependence on another drug.
Conclusions: These results suggest that the prevalence of antisocial alcoho
lism may be increasing for both men and women. These data exemplify how soc
ietal change may affect expression of underlying vulnerability for traits t
hought to be genetically influenced.