Psychosocial factors, particularly depression and tack of social support, a
re important predictors of morbidity and mortality in patients with coronar
y heart disease, This article describes the design and methods of the Enhan
cing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease Patients (ENRICHD) study, a multice
nter, randomized clinical trial involving 3000 patients enrolled after acut
e myocardial infarction. ENRICHD aims to investigate the effects of a psych
osocial intervention that targets depression and/or low social support on s
urvival and reinfarction among adult men and women who are at high risk for
recurrent cardiac events because of psychosocial factors (depressive or so
cial isolation). Design features include the use of an individually tailore
d yet standardized intervention, rigorous clinical trial methods, and enrol
lment of a large number of women and minorities.