Three hundred thirty-eight noise exposure samples were collected from 133 c
onstruction workers employed in 4 construction trades: carpenters, laborers
, ironworkers, and operating engineers. Four sites using a variety of const
ruction techniques were sampled at least 12 times on a randomly chosen date
over a 22-week period. Up to 10 volunteer workers were sampled for an enti
re work shift on each sampling day using datalogging noise dosimeters, whic
h recorded both daily time-weighted averages (TWAs) and 1-min averages. Wor
kers also completed a questionnaire throughout the workday detailing the ta
sks performed and tools used throughout the day. Regression models identifi
ed work characteristics associated with elevated exposure levels. Compariso
ns were made between exposures measured using the Occupational Safety and H
ealth Administration (OSHA) exposure metric and the 1996 draft National ins
titute for Occupational Safety and Health/international Organization for St
andardization (NIOSH/ISO) metric to examine the effects of differing exchan
ge rates and instrument response times on construction noise exposures. The
mean OSHA TWA for 338 samples was 82.8 dBA+/-6.8 dBA, whereas the mean NIO
SH/ISO TWA for 174 samples was 89.7 dBA+/-6.0 dBA. Forty percent of OSHA TW
As exceeded 85 dBA, and 13% exceeded 90 dBA, the OSHA permissible exposure
limit. The tasks and tools associated with the highest exposure levels were
those involving pneumatically operated tools and heavy equipment. Trade wa
s a poor predictor of noise exposure; construction method, stage of constru
ction, and work tasks and tools used were found to be better exposure predi
ctors, An internal validation substudy indicated excellent agreement betwee
n worker self-reporting and researcher observation. These data provide subs
tantial documentation that construction workers in several key trades are f
requently exposed to noise levels that have been associated with hearing lo
ss, and demonstrate the need for targeted noise reduction efforts and compr
ehensive hearing conservation programs in the industry.