The tremendous increase in processing power of personal computers has recen
tly allowed the construction of highly sophisticated models of neuronal fun
ction and behavior. Anatomy plays a fundamental role in supporting and shap
ing nervous system activity, yet to date most details of such a role have e
scaped the efforts of experimental and theoretical neuroscientists, mainly
because of the problem's complexity. When accurate cellular morphologies ar
e included in electrophysiological computer simulations, quantitative and q
ualitative effects of dendritic structure on firing properties can be exten
sively characterized. Complete models of dendritic morphology can be implem
ented to allow the computer generation of virtual neurons that model the an
atomical characteristics of their real counterparts to a great degree of ap
proximation. From a restricted and already available experimental database,
stochastic and statistical algorithms can create an unlimited number of no
n-identical virtual neurons within several mammalian morphological classes,
storing them in a compact and parsimonious format. When modeled neurons ar
e distributed in three-dimensional and biologically plausible rules governi
ng axonal navigation and connectivity are added to the simulations, entire
portions of the nervous system can be "grown" as anatomically realistic neu
ral networks. These computational constructs are useful to determine the in
fluence of local geometry on system neuroanatomy, and to investigate system
atically the mutual interactions between anatomical parameters and electrop
hysiological activity at the network level. A detailed computer model of a
"virtual brain" that was truly equivalent to-the biological structure could
in principle allow scientists to carry out experiments that could not be p
erformed on real nervous systems because of physical constraints. The compu
tational approach to neuroanatomy is just at its beginning, but has a great
potential to enhance the intuition of investigators and to aid neuroscienc
e education. Anat Rec (New Anat): 257:195-207, 1999. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, I