The indigenous terrestrial planarian fauna (three species) of the UK is out
numbered by introduced exotics, of which there are at least nine species. T
he:New Zealand flatworm, Arthurdendyus triangulatus, is one of the most wid
espread and apparent of these non-indigenous earthworm predators, particula
rly in Northern Ireland and central Scotland. Despite its having been in th
e UK for at least 35 yr, our knowledge of the biology and ecology of this s
pecies remains somewhat limited.
In Scotland, A. triangulatus occurs predominantly in botanical and domestic
gardens, and is not generally considered to be a problem on agricultural l
and. The situation in Northern Ireland is different; although predominantly
found in domestic gardens, it appears to have colonised grass leys many lo
calities although the impact on earthworm populations remains ambiguous. In
England, records are increasing, predominantly from northern regions.
Studies have indicated that earthworm species vary in terms of their vulner
ability to predation by A. triangulatus; surface-active and anecic species
are considered to be most at risk. However, A. triangulatus and earthworm p
opulations are known to coexist, apparently in a state of dynamic equilibri
um, in a number of localities.
Naturally-occurring planarian populations are often severely constrained by
food supply, but individuals survive lengthy periods of starvation. Such b
ehaviour may preclude the natural recolonisation of habitats by prey specie
s. Very much higher rates of population growth can be achieved where food i
s not limited, and where favourable conditions result from horticultural pr
actices. The mobility of the prey species may determine the dispersal strat
egy of the flatworm predator, and a propensity not to move away from centre
s of prey density might account for the relatively low rate of colonisation
of agricultural land by A. triangulatus. Additionally, reliance on protect
ed refuges, may explain the present, somewhat limited distribution in the U
K, particularly in southern England.
It is difficult to estimate the potential distribution of A. triangulatus,
because of the lack of fundamental knowledge of its ecoclimatic requirement
s. A better understanding is needed of the precise habitat requirements (an
d constraints) of A. triangulatus, particularly where this species appears
to have adapted to rural conditions.