We screened an Aspergillus tubingensis expression library constructed in th
e yeast Kluyveromyces lactis for xylogalacturonan-hydrolyzing activity in m
icron ell plates by using a bicinchoninic acid assay. This assay detects re
ducing carbohydrate groups when they are released from a carbohydrate by en
zymatic activity. Two K. lactis recombinants exhibiting xylogalacturonan-hy
drolyzing activity were found among the 3,400 colonies tested. The cDNA ins
ert of these recombinants encoded a 406-amino-acid protein, designated XghA
which was encoded by a single-copy gene, xghA. A multiple-sequence alignme
nt revealed that XghA was similar to both polygalacturonases (PGs) and rham
nogalacturonases. A detailed examination of conserved regions in the sequen
ces of these enzymes revealed that XghA resembled PGs more. High-performanc
e liquid chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-tim
e of flight mass spectrometry of the products of degradation of xylogalactu
ronan and saponified modified hairy regions of apple pectin by XghA demonst
rated that this enzyme uses an endo type of mechanism. XghA activity appear
ed to be specific for a xylose-substituted galacturonic acid backbone.