Within four-dimensional alluvial floodplain river systems, connectivity pla
ys an important role for diverse fish communities. This is evident at three
different temporal/spatial levels. The zoogeographic level (1) shows that
connectivity at a large temporal and spatial scale is an important regulato
ry mechanism in the colonization of river systems. At the population level
(2), three characteristic genera of Danube fish species demonstrate from a
theoretical point of view - that connectivity plays an important role in th
e formation und functioning of metapopulations. The lowest level describes
the significance of connectivity within various life history strategies (3)
of Danube fish species. Examples presented in this paper demonstrate that
fish are practical indicators of the consequences of human alterations to r
iver connectivity conditions at various temporal/spatial levels. On the lif
e history level, extensive and practically relevant information is now avai
lable to form a sound basis for the development of ecologically orientated
river restoration concepts. At the metapopulation level the theoretical sig
nificance of connectivity for fish populations is evident: currently, howev
er, lack of practical experience restricts its value as an indicator. Conne
ctivity is relevant to ichthyogeography not only over geological time, but
is also reflected in the present distribution and ongoing dispersal of fish
species, a process which is additionally altered by human activity.