In Australia nearly all tertiary education is funded through the Federal Go
vernment. With reductions in government spending tertiary education has had
to accommodate its share of the cuts. Under such a climate dental schools
in Australia face serious financial difficulties, in addition to many other
diverse threats, as they head towards the 21st century. Most seriously, an
d almost uniformly felt, is the diminution of Federal Government funding to
a point where the operation of some dental schools remains viable only by
way of supplementary funding (direct or in-kind) from State Governments. in
this report the authors have developed one possible model of academic, cli
nical and financial structures of a dental school, based on sound education
al and economic grounds, that can overcome some of the short-comings of the
paradigm that exists in some Schools in Australia. The two key factors und
erlying the principles of this model for a new style of dental school are f
lexibility and professional responsibility. Based on the existing academic
and economic realities it would be much more appropriate to out-source a si
gnificant proportion of the educational and clinical component of a dental
school. Highly trained individuals from the dental profession would be invi
ted to provide training in their area of expertise. The role of the dental
school would evolve to be like a facilitation centre, organizing the variou
s courses. It would mean that the 'core' curriculum would be the responsibi
lity of the school's academic staff and the outsourced professional members
would contribute within the bounds of the basic framework. On the basis of
this model a dental school of approximately 225 full-time undergraduate st
udents (50 per year, less some student loss) in a five year programme is pl
anned, and annual staffing costs are estimated at $1.4 million.