An eleven-year-old, FIV-negative, castrated Persian cat was presented with
multiple subcutaneous nodules. A provisional diagnosis of feline leprosy wa
s made based on the presence of abundant bacilli within macrophages on Diff
-Quik stained smears from aspirates of a nodule. The organism was identifie
d subsequently as a novel species of mycobacterium using 16S rRNA PCR and d
irect sequence analysis.:Effective treatment was achieved by surgically res
ecting the largest lesions and using triple therapy with clofazimine, clari
thromycin and ciprofloxacin. This report adds to the growing body of eviden
ce that feline leprosy is a treatable clinical syndrome caused by potential
ly pathogenic saprophytic mycobacteria including M. lepraemurium, M. avium
and other as yet uncharacterised mycobacterial species.