This study was designed to validate the utility of a commercial portab
le clinical blood analyzer (PCBA) in ground-based studies and on the s
pace shuttle. Ionized calcium, pH, electrolytes, glucose, and hematocr
it were determined. Results agreed well with those from traditional la
boratory methods, and the PCBA demonstrated good between-day precision
fur all analytes. In-flight analysis of control samples revealed diff
erences in one analyte (sodium). There were few changes in crew member
s' results during flight, and these were expected, Potassium increased
in flight compared with before flight, and potassium, pH, and hematoc
rit decreased after flight. Ionized calcium was decreased in flight an
d on landing day. Changes during flight were likely related to sample
collection technique. Postflight changes likely reflected the fluid re
distribution that occurs after exposure to weightlessness. These data
confirm that the PCBA is a reliable instrument for mast analytes, and
can provide important medical data in remote locations, such as orbiti
ng spacecraft.