Field experiments conducted near Grande Prairie, Alberta, compared the effe
ctiveness of the fall rosette procedure to other procedures used in a year
of fallow for the control of perennial sowthistle (Sonchus arvensis L.). Th
e fall rosette procedure, which consisted of discontinuing normal cultivati
on in late July, allowing the perennial sowthistle plants to grow for 6 wk
and then applying glyphosate plus dicamba at 0.6 + 0.6 kg ha(-1) plus Agral
90 at 0.5% vol/vol of spray volume, reduced shoot density by 84, 90 and 96
% approximately 1 yr after imposition in 1992, 1993 and 1994, respectively.
By comparison, the bud stage procedure, which consisted of allowing plants
to grow to the bud stage in the spring/early summer, applying the same her
bicide treatment and conducting tillage for the rest of the year, reduced s
hoot densities by 58, 86 and 85% when imposed in the same years, respective
ly. The fall rosette procedure was also more effective than frequent tillag
e throughout the growing season without herbicide, or than chemfallow (glyp
hosate plus dicamba applied in early July and again in early September, wit
h or without late fall tillage) in reducing perennial sowthistle shoot dens
ity. Mowing, whenever the perennial sowthistle reached 8-10 cm in height, d
id not reduce shoot density.