We investigate to which extent a single determinant made up from orbitals o
btained by a Brueckner coupled-cluster doubles calculation is able to repro
duce correlated one-electron properties. It is shown that dipole and quadru
pole moments and radial expectation values compare quite well with BCCD fin
ite-freld results for a test selection of nine molecules enclosing HF, H2O,
NH3, CO, N-2, NO+, HCN, CuH and CH3OH and three rare-gas atoms He, Ne and
Ar. Furthermore, we find that even second-order properties such as dipole a
nd quadrupole polarizabilities are reproduced fairly well when determined a
s first derivatives of the corresponding Brueckner orbital expectation valu
es. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.