Steady, supercritical flow of a two fluid system, over a semiinfinite
step at the bottom of a channel that is bounded above by a rigid horiz
ontal plane, is considered. Both fluids are assumed to be inviscid and
incompressible and to flow irrotationally, but to have different dens
ities. A transformation technique is used to reformulate the problem a
s a system of nonlinear integrodifferential equations, for the interfa
cial angle theta, and a connection equation for the jump of the potent
ial across the interface. A linearized theory, based upon a small-step
height, is presented and indicates that the nature of the interface f
ormed depends on whether the upstream flow is subcritical or supercrit
ical. Numerical solutions for the system are presented showing their d
ependence on the step height, density, speed, and depth ratios, respec
tively, and also on the Froude number of the lower fluid.