High-resolution pollen records from 6 small lakes in the Tibetan Plateau pr
ovided the details of evolution of South Asian monsoon since the Last Glaci
al Maximum. Prior to 16 kaBP, the region was a desert-steppe characterized
by cold and dry climates, the January temperature was 7-10 degrees C lower
than that of present and the annual precipitation only accounted for 40% of
the present. The temperature and precipitation increased gradually and tre
es began to live in the region after 12 kaBP, but during the interval from
9.2 to 6.3 kaBP, forest and forest-meadow appeared occasionally. From 8 to
5 kaBP, both January and July temperature was 2-3 degrees C higher and annu
al precipitation was also about 200 mm higher than that of the present. Aft
er 5 kaBP, temperature and precipitation decreased linearly and steppe vege
tation began to degenerate.