Objectives: To establish whether partial recording can be used for the meas
urement and reporting of tooth wear data in samples of adult populations, w
hilst maintaining the usefulness of the index. Methods: Using whole mouth c
oronal tooth wear data from a large random population sample of 1200 dentat
e older adults in England, several different partial recording systems were
investigated to establish which teeth would maintain a high level of sensi
tivity for the most economic use of codes and index teeth. Tooth wear data
were recorded on a surface-by-surface basis on all teeth in the sample usin
g the tooth wear index. Results: Five different partial mouth recording sys
tems were assessed, including half-mouth scoring, assessment of just upper
or just lower anterior teeth, assessment of all anterior teeth and use of s
ix index teeth. The 12 anterior teeth were the ones most often affected by
moderate or severe wear, and when all 12 teeth were used as the index teeth
few wear cases were missed, and all the most extensive and severe cases of
coronal wear were classified as having some wear. A limited index of only
six anterior teeth (three uppers and three lowers) was almost as sensitive,
but allowed less flexibility when reporting the extent of coronal wear. Ot
her systems for partial recording were less sensitive. Conclusions: Partial
recording using six or 12 anterior teeth is appropriate for measuring and
reporting tooth wear data in large population surveys.