The purpose of this study was to examine the associations of carotid artery
intima-media wall thickness (IMT) with hemostatic proteins and cardiovascu
lar risk factors (CVRFs) in participants with and without non-insulin depen
dent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). IMT measurements were determined by high re
solution B-mode ultrasound imaging of the carotid arteries in 921 participa
nts with NIDDM and 11964 non-diabetic participants aged 45-64 years. Fastin
g glucose, serum lipids and activated partial thromboplastin time, factor V
III fibrinogen, factor VII, antithrombin III, protein C, and von Willebrand
factor measurements were made. Compared to non-diabetic participants, part
icipants with NIDDM had a more adverse pattern of CVRFs and a more procoagu
latory profile. Participants with NIDDM had 0.06 mm (8.1%) higher mean IMT
compared to non-diabetic participants after adjusting for age and gender (P
< 0.001). However, only plasma fibrinogen concentrations showed statistica
lly significant positive associations with IMT in both groups. After adjust
ing for CVRFs and fibrinogen, mean IMT remained 0.04 mm (5.4%) higher in di
abetic compared to non-diabetic participants. Despite the more procoagulato
ry profile in participants with NIDDM, only plasma fibrinogen concentration
s were independently associated with mean IMT. The association of NIDDM wit
h mean IMT was only partly explained by CVRFs. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ir
eland Ltd. All rights reserved.