Jc. Jenkins et al., Sources of variability in net primary production predictions at a regionalscale: A comparison using PnET-II and TEM 4.0 in northeastern US forests, ECOSYSTEMS, 2(6), 1999, pp. 555-570
Because model predictions at continental and global scales are necessarily
based on broad characterizations of vegetation, soils, and climate, estimat
es of carbon stocks and fluxes made by global terrestrial biosphere models
may not be accurate for every region. At the regional scale, we suggest tha
t attention can be focused more clearly on understanding the relative stren
gths of predicted net primary productivity (NPP) limitation by energy, wate
r, and nutrients. We evaluate the sources of variability among model predic
tions of NPP with a regional-scale comparison between estimates made by PnE
T-II (a forest ecosystem process model previously applied to the northeaste
rn region) and TEM 4.0 (a terrestrial biosphere model typically applied to
the globe) for the northeastern US. When the same climate, vegetation, and
soil data sets were used to drive both models, regional average NPP predict
ions made by PnET-II and TEM were remarkably similar, and at the biome leve
l, model predictions agreed fairly well with NPP estimates developed from f
ield measurements. However, TEM. 4.0 predictions were more sensitive to reg
ional variations in temperature as a result of feedbacks between temperatur
e and belowground N availability. In PnET-II, the direct link between trans
piration and photosynthesis caused substantial water stress in hardwood and
pine forest types with increases in solar radiation; predicted water stres
s was relieved substantially when soil water holding capacity (WHC) was inc
reased. Increasing soil WHC had little effect on TEM 4.0 predictions becaus
e soil water storage was already sufficient to meet plant demand with basel
ine WHC values, and because predicted N availability under baseline conditi
ons in this region was not limited by water. Because NPP predictions were c
losely keyed to forest cover type, the relative coverage of low- versus hig
h-productivity forests at both fine and coarse resolutions was an important
determinant of regional NPP predictions. Therefore, changes in grid cell s
ize and differences in the methods used to aggregate from fine to coarse re
solution were important to NPP predictions insofar as they changed the rela
tive proportions of forest cover. We suggest that because the small patches
of high-elevation spruce-fir forest in this region are substantially less
productive than forests in the remainder of the region, more accurate NPP p
redictions will result if models applied to this region use land cover inpu
t data sets that retain as much fine-resolution forest type variability as
possible. The differences among model responses to variations in climate an
d soil WHC data sets suggest that the models will respond quite differently
to scenarios of future climate. A better understanding of the dynamic inte
ractions between water stress, N availability, and forest productivity in t
his region will enable models to make more accurate predictions of future c
arbon stocks and fluxes.