M. Greaves, Molecular genetics, natural history and the demise of childhood leukaemia (Reprinted from Eur J Cancer, vol 35, pg 173-185, 1999), EUR J CANC, 35(14), 1999, pp. 1941-1953
The patterns of genetic change, clonal evolution, natural history and laten
cy are very different in the paediatric leukaemias compared with adult epit
helial cancers but are similar to those in other childhood cancers of mesen
chymal stem cell origin. This distinction has a biological logic in the con
text of the selective pressures for clonal emergence in different developme
ntal and cellular contexts and has a major impact on curability. Most child
hood leukaemias and some other mesenchymal stem cell tumours are of fetal o
rigin and can metastasise without corruption of restraints on cell prolifer
ation or bypassing apoptosis. In marked contrast to most invasive or metast
atic epithelial carcinomas in adults, these former cancers then retain sens
itivity to therapeutic apoptosis. Moreover, their abbreviated and less comp
lex evolutionary status is associated with less genetic diversity and insta
bility, minimising opportunity for clonal selection for resistance. A minor
ity of leukaemias in children and a higher fraction in adults do, however,
have genetic alterations that bypass cell cycle controls and apoptosis impo
sition. These are the 'bad news' genotypes. The cellular and molecular dive
rsity of acute leukaemia impacts also on aetiology. Paediatric acute leukae
mias can be initiated prenatally by illegitimate recombination and fusion g
ene formation in fetal haemopoiesis. For acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL
) in children, twin studies suggest that a secondary postnatal molecular ev
ent is also required. This may be promoted by an abnormal or delayed respon
se to common infections. Even for a classic case of a cancer that is intrin
sically curable by systematic chemotherapy i.e. childhood ALL, prevention m
ay turn out to be the preferred option. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.