Cricopharyngeal achalasia is a rare cause of neonatal dysphagia. Its treatm
ent is based on surgical myotomy, which is to be avoided in the presence of
prematurity and neurological diseases.
The authors report a case of cricopharyngeal achalasia in a full-term four-
month-old female baby. Coughing and choking during feeds were the major sym
ptoms. The diagnosis was made peroperatively although barium meal and endos
copic findings were suggestive. After cricopharyngeal myotomy, symptoms too
k several weeks to disappear. Seven months after surgery, she feeds normall
y and weighs 7,700 g.
Neonatal cricopharyngeal achalasia could be a foregoing state to cricophary
ngeal diverticula in adult. Some cases may remain undiagnosed either due to
lack of symptoms or sudden infant death.