Surveys in eight paired urban and rural watersheds illustrate how urbanizat
ion changes fluvial morphology and processes. Our data also provide quantit
ative criteria for evaluating stream-restoration projects in urban areas. B
ankfull depth, reach-averaged bed slope, and median grain size are similar
in urban and rural watersheds. The median width of urban channels is 26% la
rger than the median width of rural channels. The median sinuosity is 8% lo
wer in urban channels and pools are 31% shallower, The median composite Man
ning's n based on median grain diameter, pool depth, and channel sinuosity
is 10% lower in urban streams, while the median bankfull discharge per unit
drainage basin area is 131% higher in urban channels. Histograms of bed se
diment-size distributions in urban channels lack a secondary mode in the si
ze range 2-64 mm characteristic of rural channels, indicating that these si
zes tend to be selectively removed from urban channels. However, bankfull S
hields stresses in urban and rural channels exceed typical threshold values
at most sites, indicating significant bedload transport at bankfull stage.
Apparently, increased peak discharges caused by decades of urbanization ha
ve not removed all the transportable sediment from these urban stream chann
els. We speculate that the supply of sediment to urban channels from hillsl
ope processes and channel erosion remains significant, even though much of
the upland surfaces of these urban catchments are covered with nonerodible
impervious surfaces.