We discuss multi-instrument observations of the excitation and decay within
a similar to 10 min interval of a convection pattern typical of lobe cells
, centered at similar to 1230 MLT in the winter hemisphere. The plasma conv
ection and its associated aurora were triggered by a rapid northward turnin
g of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) monitored by near-Earth spacec
raft. The IMF stayed northward oriented (B-x=-4 nT; B-y=2-3 nT; B-z=2-4 nT;
clock angle=30 degrees-70 degrees) for 8 min, before rotating back south.
The optical instruments recorded the activation of an east-west aligned aur
oral form near the latitude of the pre-existing cusp aurora at similar to 7
3 degrees MLAT, which was followed by a smooth, 10-min long poleward advanc
e at an average speed of 0.4 km s(-1), reaching 75 degrees MLAT at its most
expanded phase. Simultaneous CUTLASS radar and local magnetic data confirm
the occurrence of a large reconfiguration of plasma convection involving a
change from antisunward to sunward flow components in the vicinity of the
cusp, consistent with the presence of a lobe cell.