(W)e have investigated the stability of oxidation-resistant elemental carbo
n (OREC) in a sandy savanna soil at the Matopos fire trial site, Zimbabwe.
The protection of some soil plots from fire for the last 50 years at this s
ite has enabled a comparison of OREC abundances between those plots which h
ave been protected from fire and plots which have continued to be burnt. Th
e total 0-5 cm OREC inventory of the soil protected from fire is estimated
to be 2.0+/-0.5 mg cm(-2); approximately half the "natural" OREC inventory
at the study site of 3.8+/-0.5 mg cm(-2) (the mean for plots burnt every 1-
5 years). The associated half-life for natural OREC loss from the 0-5 cm in
terval of the protected plots is calculated to be <100 years, with the half
-life for large carbonized particles (>2000 mu m) in the soil being conside
rably <50 years. These results suggest that at least in well-aerated tropic
al soil environments, charcoal and OREC can be can be significantly degrade
d on decadal to centennial timescales. OREC abundance and carbon-isotope da
ta suggest that OREC in coarse particles is progressively degraded into fin
er particle sizes, with a concomitant increase in resistance to oxidative d
egradation of OREC in the finer particle sizes due to the progressive loss
of more readily degraded OREC. It remains unclear whether the OREC that is
degraded is oxidized completely to CO2 and subsequently emitted from the so
il, reduced to a sufficiently small particle size to be illuviated to deepe
r parts of the soil profile, solubilized and lost from the profile as disso
lved organic carbon or transmuted into a chemical form which is susceptible
to attack by the acid-dichromate reagent. The conclusion that a significan
t proportion of OREC can undergo natural degradation in well-aerated enviro
nments on decadal/centennial timescales suggests that only a fraction of th
e total production of OREC from biomass burning and fossil fuel combustion
is likely to be sequestered in the slow-cycling "geological" carbon reservo