The methane stable isotope distribution was characterized at a Carer domina
ted fen in boreal Alberta, Canada, over three growing seasons to examine me
thane production, oxidation, and transport to the atmosphere; processes whi
ch are strongly tied to emergent vegetation and the influence of the rhizos
phere (upper 20 cm of peat in this system]. At times when standing floodwat
er was present, delta(13)C values of emitted methane averaged -63.6 +/- 2.3
, -66.3 +/- 1.6, and -65.4 +/- 1.3 parts per thousand for the 1994, 1995, a
nd 1996 seasons, respectively. These emissions were significantly C-13 depl
eted relative to the belowground methane dissolved in rhizospheric pore wat
ers, indicating that gas transport in Carer is dominated by passive diffusi
on. The rhizosphere was (CH4)-C-13 enriched relative to depths below the rh
izosphere, consistent with the occurrence of root associated methane oxidat
ion, preferential mobilization of (CH4)-C-13, and a relatively greater role
of acetate fermentation type methane production. Dual isotope tracers, del
ta(13)C and delta D, help qualify the role of each of these processes and a
id in describing the distribution of production pathways, CO2 reduction, an
d acetate fermentation. Inverse trends in delta(13)C-CH4 and delta D-CH4 de
pth profiles are consistent with an interpretation suggesting an evolution
toward methane production by CO2 reduction with increasing depth. A shift i
n production mechanisms appears to be the dominate process affecting the st
able isotope distribution below 10 cm in the peat column, while oxidation a
nd transport isotope effects are dominant above 10 cm. To test several hypo
theses regarding the effects of transport, oxidation, and production on met
hane isotope distributions, we also present measurements from sites fertili
zed and sites devegetated (continually clipped) over the 3 year period. Rem
oval of vegetation quickly halted rhizospheric methane oxidation and gas tr
ansport while gradually increasing the relative role of CO2 reduction in ne
t methane production as labile substrate was used up. The fertilizer treatm
ent increased above ground biomass and primary productivity but had little
effect on the stable isotope distribution. A mass balance calculation indic
ates that methane emissions are attenuated 0-34% by methane oxidation in th
e rhizosphere. Results showed little seasonal variability other than during
a period when floodwater levels dropped below the peat surface resulting i
n the (CH4)-C-13 enrichment of methane emissions.