Two-dimensional gas chromatography. concepts, instrumentation, and applications - Part 1: Fundamentals, conventional two-dimensional gas chromatography, selected applications
W. Bertsch, Two-dimensional gas chromatography. concepts, instrumentation, and applications - Part 1: Fundamentals, conventional two-dimensional gas chromatography, selected applications, HRC-J HIGH, 22(12), 1999, pp. 647-665
The writer of this review published in 1978 a three-part article on two-dim
ensional gas chromatography in the first three issues of this journal [1].
The review was written at a time when capillary column GC was still in its
infancy, Commercial columns were (essentially) unavailable and sample intro
duction into capillary columns was done exclusively in the split mode. Two-
dimensional separations were explored in only a few laboratories, The Limit
ations of capillary column technology made this exercise rather difficult.
The introduction of fused silica capillary columns in the early eighties dr
astically changed the landscape in which gas chromatography was practiced.
It took the chromatographic community just a few years to convert from pack
ed columns to capillary columns. Instrumentation and accessories specifical
ly designed for capillary column use came onto the market. This writer had
great hopes that the revolution in capillary column GC mould be mirrored in
the development of instrumentation for Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography.
This never materialized. On the contrary, tentative steps taken by a few m
anufacturers and suppliers of chromatographic equipment fizzled out. It was
perhaps the introduction of relatively inexpensive and user friendly GC/MS
instrumentation, in combination with nearly indestructible fused silica ca
pillary columns that took away the incentive to develop commercially,viable
Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography. Much of the thinking went like this: w
hy insist on good chromatography if mass spectrometry can do the job withou
t the need for complete separation. Some progress in the further developmen
t of conventional Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography has certainly been mad
e over the last 20 years but there has not been a great deal of excitement.
Applications have also been relatively sparse and they are Limited to just
a few areas.
Science does not remain static and chromatography is no exception. Progress
in gas chromatography is driven by new technology and ideas. Substantial i
mprovements in two-dimensional GC mere not forthcoming until Phillips and h
is research group introduced and implemented an entirely new form of Two-Di
mensional Gas Chromatography; called comprehensive two-dimensional GC, or G
C xGC. This breakthrough occurred only in 1991 [2].
It does take some time before scientists change attitudes and habits. There
is always a time lag between the introduction of new technology and its ge
neral acceptance. The public's attitude toward comprehensive Two-Dimensiona
l Gas Chromatography is probably no exception. The number of scientists who
are actively pursuing this new branch of gas chromatography is still very
small. It is often a single individual who carries the torch. J.B. Phillips
' name is synonymous with comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography.
He is not only its inventor and proponent but his fertile mind initiated r
esearch in other related areas. Sadly, he passed away shortly before this r
eview was written, This contribution is dedicated to his memory.