Some populations of electronic devices or other system components are subje
ct to both infant-mortality & wearout failure modes. Typically, interest is
in the estimation of reliability metrics such as distribution-quantiles or
fraction-failing at a point in time for the population of units. This invo
modeling the failure time,
estimating the parameters of the failure-time distributions, for the differ
ent failure modes, as well as the proportion of defective units. This paper
Proposes GLFP (general limited failure population) for this purpose.
Uses the ML (maximum likelihood) method of to estimate the unknown model pa
rameters; the formulas for the likelihood contribution corresponding to dif
ferent types of censoring are provided.
Describes a likelihood-based method to construct statistical-confidence int
ervals and simultaneous statistical-confidence bands for quantities of inte
Fits the model to a set of censored data to illustrate the estimation techn
ique and some of the model's characteristics.
The model-fitting indicates that identification of the failure mode of at l
east a few failed units is necessary to estimate model-parameters,
Based on the fitting of the data from the lifetime of circuit boards, the G
LFP model provides a useful description of the failure-time distribution fo
r components that have both wearout and some infant mortality behavior. How
ever, the data must include the cause of failure for at least a few observa
tions in order to avoid complications in the ML estimation. The more failed
units whose failure mode has been identified, the better model estimates a
re in terms of model-fitting.