Self-help groups (SHGs) may rival all other forms of treatment sometime wit
hin the next century (see Goodman & Jacobs article in "The Handbook of Grou
p Psychotherapy," Wiley, 1994), though the "purist" model of SHGs seems ina
ccurate because many professionals are actually involved. Although traditio
nal forms of group treatment have kept pace with empirical research (Fuhrim
an & Burlingame, "The Handbook of Group Psychotherapy, " 1994) SHGs have no
t. In particular, medical SHGs, often promoted by hospitals as viable treat
ment alternatives, have no systemized database from which to draw conclusio
ns about overall effectiveness compared to traditional group therapies. A p
reliminary assessment of this area is presented using a meta-analysis of ar
ticles culled from a comprehensive review of the literature from 1970 to 19
97 Results indicate that although the posttreatment analysis produced no si
gnificant differences between active and control conditions, pre to posttre
atment scores indicated that SHGs produced higher patient improvement when
compared to the control condition. Future implications for research and use
of medical SHGs are explored.