Suppose that V is a variety of Lie algebras, and let c(n)(V) be the dimensi
on of the linear span of all multilinear words on n distinct letters in the
free algebra F(V, X) of the variety V. We consider an exponential generati
ng function
called the complexity function. The complexity function is an entire functi
on of a complex variable provided the variety of Lie algebras is nontrivial
. In this paper we introduce the notion of complexity for Lie varieties in
terms of the growth of complexity functions; also we describe what the comp
lexity means for the codimension growth of the variety. Our main goal is to
specify the complexity of a product of two Lie varieties in terms of the c
omplexities of multiplicands. The main observation here is that C(MV, z) be
haves like a composition of three functions C(M, z), exp(z), and C(V, z).