There exist two major mechanisms which are responsible for the fading
phenomenon at HF frequencies. They are the multiple-mode interference
and distortions due to the ionospheric irregularities. Fading time ser
ies produced bq the first of these mechanisms alone should typically r
epresent a multiple-periodical process. This kind of signal may also b
e produced by an autonomous dynamical system. The character of the tim
e series produced by the second mechanism depends on the nature of the
ionospheric irregularities. Recently, evidence has been accumulated t
o show that sometimes the ionospheric turbulence on equatorial and mid
dle latitudes represents a low-dimensional deterministic chaotic proce
ss. These facts suggest that for both mechanisms the fading time serie
s may have a deterministic nature and therefore is predictable. Accord
ingly we apply the nonlinear predicting technique proposed by Farmer a
nd Sidorovich [1987] to the fading time series obtained by the Univers
ity of Illinois HF sounder. In its application the prediction techniqu
e is modified to take into account specifics of the HF data. For compa
rison, the conventional linear autoregression prediction technique is
also tested. It is found that, in general, the nonlinear prediction an
d the linear autoregressive forecasting allow prediction on a few corr
elation times and work with roughly the same success.