The effect of nifedipine administration (10 mg) on esophageal acid exposure
time was investigated in 11 non-reflux esophagitis (non-RE) patients and 1
1 grade C (Los Angeles classification) reflux esophagitis (RE) patients. In
each subject, esophageal pH monitoring was performed, with the subject in
the supine position, preprandially (1 h) and 3-h postprandially after oral
administration of a placebo in the morning and oral administration of nifed
ipine (10 mg) an the afternoon on the same day. In the non-RE patients, the
re was no difference in the esophageal acid exposure time between administr
ation of the placebo and that of nifedipine. In patients with RE, the esoph
ageal acid exposure time after the administration of nifedipine was signifi
cantly (P < 0.05) longer than that after the placebo. In patients with seve
re RE, the severi:ty of RE may worsen with nifedipine administration.