Object. The high anterior cervical, retropharyngeal approach to the anterio
r foramen magnum and upper cervical spine is a favorable alternative to the
transoral and posterolateral approaches, which both cause instability of t
he craniovertebral junction. Previously, such instability was corrected via
an occipitocervical fusion during a separate surgical procedure.
Methods. Seven patients requiring C-2 corpectomy (foramen magnum meningioma
[two patients], critical stenosis secondary to rheumatoid arthritis [two p
atients], C-2, fracture [two patients], and stenosis secondary to Rickets [
one patient]) are presented. All patients underwent C1-3 fusion followed by
instrumentation with a Caspar plate. A solid fusion was achieved in six pa
tients. One patient experienced erosion of the anterior arch of C-1 requiri
ng posterior stabilization.
Conclusions. Fusion and instrumentation at C1-3 can be performed safely and
with minimal increase in surgical time. in selected patients, this may eli
minate the need for an additional posterior procedure and maintain occipita
l-C1 mobility.