Significant advances in the management of cardiovascular disease have been
made possible by the development of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (
HMG CoA) reductase inhibitors-"statins." Initial studies explored the impac
t of statin therapy on coronary artery disease (CAD) progression and regres
sion. Although the angiographic changes were small, associated clinical res
ponses appeared significant. Subsequent large prospective placebo-controlle
d clinical trials with statins demonstrated benefit in the secondary and pr
imary prevention of CAD in subjects with elevated cholesterol levels. More
recently, the efficacy of statins has been extended to the primary preventi
on of CAD in subjects with average cholesterol levels. Recent studies also
suggest that statins have benefits beyond the coronary vascular bed and are
capable of reducing ischemic stroke risk by approximately one-third in pat
ients with evidence of vascular disease. In addition to lowering low-densit
y Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, statin therapy appears to exhibit pleiotro
pic effects on many components of atherosclerosis including plaque thrombog
enicity, cellular migration, endothelial function and thrombotic tendency.
Growing clinical and experimental evidence indicates that the beneficial ac
tions of statins occur rapidly and yield potentially clinically important a
ntiischemic effects as early as one month after commencement of therapy. Fu
ture investigations are warranted to determine threshold LDL values in prim
ary prevention studies, and to elucidate effects of statins other than LDL
lowering. Finally, given the rapid and protean effects of statins on determ
inants of platelet reactivity, coagulation, and endothelial function, furth
er research may establish a role for statin therapy in acute coronary syndr
omes. (C) 1999 by the American College of Cardiology.