Despite the growth in primary care-based women's health centers, little is
known about the characteristics of women's health patients and the quality
of care provided in women's health centers versus traditional practices. Ou
r objective waste compare a women's health practice and a general internal
medicine practice on issues-of care during menopause. A cross-sectional sur
vey was administered simultaneously to patients aged 50-70 and their primar
y care physicians in a women's health practice and an affiliated general in
ternal medicine practice. The survey asked patients about health behaviors,
past and current hormone use, menopausal symptoms, and attitudes about men
opause. Physicians were asked to estimate their patients' attitudes. Patien
ts in women's health practices were younger, more likely to be smokers, and
more likely to have had a prior hysterectomy. Women's health patients were
somewhat more likely to report concerns related to menopausal symptoms. Wo
men's health patients and patients attending the general internal medicine
practice reported similar rates of past or current use of hormone therapy,
after adjusting for prior hysterectomy and age. Physicians in women's healt
h and general medicine were similar in their ability to estimate their pati
ents' attitudes. In the general internal medicine practice,female physician
s tended to better estimate their patients' attitudes than their male colle
agues. Patients seeking care in a women's health practice differed in sympt
oms and concerns about the menopause compared with patients in a traditiona
l primary care setting. Physicians' understanding of patients' menopausal c
oncerns did not differ between the two practices. However, there may be gen
der differences in physicians' understanding of patients' concerns.