Heart failure is a common and costly clinical entity that implies high morb
idity and mortality. The aim of this study was to establish the impact of t
he heart failure syndrome in our country. We analyzed: 1) the data-base of
vital statistics from the National Program of Health Statistics, Ministry o
f Health, between 1980 and 1997, 2) the registers from two national surveys
on heart failure patients performed by the Argentine Society of Cardiology
and the Argentine Council of Residents in Cardiology. Cardiovascular syndr
omes have constituted the first cause of death in our country for the last
twenty years. Among these, heart failure represents the most frequent entit
y. From 1980 to 1997 a progressive reduction of 31% in the rate of cardiova
scular mortality was observed. From 1990 to 1997, a decrease in the mortali
ty rate due to heart failure of 22.4% was registered. Age and sex adjusted
mortality from heart failure suffered a steady increase in older groups, sp
ecially above 65 years of age. Hospital discharge data showed that heart fa
ilure and cerebrovascular illness are the highest prevalent entities. Natio
nal surveys on heart failure demonstrate a high prevalence of hypertension,
as an associated risk factor, and non compliance with the medication and d
iet as causes of decompensation. A trend towards an increase in pharmacolog
ical prescriptions was also observed.