The introduction of computer-based patient records (CPRs) that fully replac
e paper records proves especially difficult in specialized care, despite th
e potential advantages of CPRs for patient care and research. Improved data
legibility, availability, sharing of records, and decision support may dir
ectly benefit patient care. Barriers to the introduction of CPR application
s at institutions may be caused by lack of infrastructure, or by financial
or organizational issues. To have clinicians interactively enter data at th
e point of care is still a big challenge. This paper presents an overview o
f ORCA (Open Record of CAre): a generic CPR, designed for integration with
existing systems, presentation of multi-media patient data, and the collect
ion of structured data, directly by clinicians. ORCA can easily be tailored
to the needs of a variety of medical specialists without the need for chan
ges to its data model, functionality, or interface. The paper describes the
essence of the architecture of ORCA and the user benefits with emphasis on
the support of structured data entry.