Chromosomal rearrangements are important resources for genetic studies. Rec
ently, a Cre-loxP-based method to introduce defined chromosomal rearrangeme
nts (deletions, duplications, and inversions) into the mouse genome (chromo
some engineering) has been established. To explore the limits of this techn
ology systematically, we have evaluated this strategy on mouse chromosome 1
1, Although the efficiency of Cre-loxP-mediated recombination decreases wit
h increasing genetic distance when the two endpoints are on the same chromo
some, the efficiency is not limiting even when the genetic distance is maxi
mized, Rearrangements encompassing up to three quarters of chromosome 11 ha
ve been constructed in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. While larger deleti
ons may Lead to ES cell lethality, smaller deletions can be produced very e
fficiently both in ES cells and in vivo in a tissue- or cell-type-specific
manner. We conclude that any chromosomal rearrangement can be made in ES ce
lls with the Cre-loxP strategy provided that it does not affect cell viabil
ity, In vivo chromosome engineering can be potentially used to achieve soma
tic losses of heterozygosity in creating mouse models of human cancers.