Purpose: To explore the changes in expression of a set of genes in a single
retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell line and two fibroblast cell lines a
s controls under culture conditions previously used for the analysis of sen
escent gene expression.
Methods: A single human RPE cell line, which had previously been characteri
zed using known markers of senescence, and two fibroblast cell lines were g
rown to replicative exhaustion. The mRNA phenotype of genes known to be alt
ered by senescence were studied by quantitative Northern analysis.
Results: The mRNA phenotype of cells changes at replicative senescence yiel
ding a synthetic phenotype which is similar to cells found in repairing wou
nds. Of the genes studied, urokinase-type plasminogen activator and plasmin
ogen activator inhibitor-1 were regulated in RPE cells similar to fibroblas
ts at senescence. The largest changes noted for any single gene were the up
regulation of insulin growth factor binding protein 2, and the downregulati
on of collagen I alpha 2, basic fibroblast growth factor, and fibroblast gr
owth factor-5.
Conclusions: This study demonstrates an altered mRNA phenotype of a human R
PE cell line grown to replicative exhaustion. This analysis of a single cel
l line emphasizes the variability of results based on a single cell line or
tissue specimen and indicates the need for additional study.