We report the first documented case of undifferentiated carcinoma of the re
nal pelvis with a prominent lymphoid stroma (lymphoepithelioma-like carcino
ma [LELC]). LELCs are morphologically identical to nasopharyngeal carcinoma
and are rarely seen in the urinary tract, with only isolated cases involvi
ng the urinary bladder and ureter. The tumor was composed entirely of targe
pale staining malignant epithelial cells with ill-defined borders arranged
in syncytial sheets separated by mainly reactive lymphocytes, occasional p
lasma cells and histiocytes. Tumor cells were immunoreactive to cytokeratin
and were negative for leukocyte common antigen. Awareness of LELC is impor
tant, as it should be distinguished from lymphoma or inflammatory lesions i
ncluding, xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis.