Cysteine protease cathepsin B (CatB) and its endogenous inhibitor stefin A
(StA) play an important role in tumor progression. Increase of CatB express
ion and lower levels of its inhibitors were associated with tumor malignanc
y in brain tumors. In this study of 100 patients, CatB was localized by imm
unostaining to both, tumor and endothelial cells of primary brain tissue. S
ignificant correlation with poor prognosis was found by univariate Cox's re
gression model. Intense overall immunostaining and immunostaining in endoth
elial cells alone were prognostic for survival (p=0.003 in both). When comp
aring CatB expression at mRNA level, we found considerable differences betw
een center and periphery of a tumor as well as between different tumor samp
les. StA mRNA was only detected in benign, but not in malignant tissues. We
suggest that screening of cysteine-protease genes expression can be applie
d in clinical prognosis of brain tumors.