We study drainage in a horizontally oriented rough fracture joint filled wi
th glass beads. The shape and structure of the drained areas is the result
of competition between two effects: (1) variations in the capillary thresho
lds necessary to be overcome in order to drain the pores and (2) the height
variations due to the roughness of the fracture joint. These height variat
ions have long range correlations due to the self-affine nature of the frac
ture. The capillary thresholds are uncorrelated. We tune the relative stren
gth of these two effects by performing experiments in a centrifuge and thus
changing the "strength of gravity." As gravity is increased, the structure
of the drained areas change from that of invasion percolation to a structu
re composed of compact blobs linked together by threadlike links. We study
both the geometry and the effect of trapping while changing acceleration of
gravity from zero to 6g(0). At high centrifugal acceleration we further ob
serve fragmentation, migration and coalescence of;bubbles of fluid inside t
he drained areas. [S1063-651X(99)13112-X].