BACKGROUND. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) for cancer patients has develop
ed into an important new clinical treatment modality in the past 25 ye
ars. PDT involves administration of a tumor-localizing photosensitizer
or photosensitizer prodrug (5-aminolevulinic acid [ALA], a precursor
in the heme biosynthetic pathway) and the subsequent activation of the
photosensitizer by light. Although several photosensitizers other tha
n ALA-derived protoporphyrin M. (PpIX) have been used in clinical PDT,
ALA-based PDT has been the most active area of clinical PDT research
during the past 5 years. Studies have shown that a higher accumulation
of ALA-derived PpIX in rapidly proliferating cells may provide a biol
ogic rationale for clinical use of ALA-based PDT and diagnosis. Howeve
r, no review updating the clinical data has appeared so far. METHODS.
A review of recently published data on clinical ALA-based PDT and diag
nosis was conducted. RESULTS. Several individual studies in which pati
ents with primary nonmelanoma cutaneous tumors received topical ALA-ba
sed PDT have reported promising results, including outstanding cosmeti
c results. However, the modality with present protocols does not, in g
eneral, appear to be superior to conventional therapies with respect t
o initial complete response rates and long term recurrence rates, part
icularly in the treatment of nodular skin tumors. Topical ALA-PDT does
have the following advantages over conventional treatments: it is non
invasive; it produces excellent cosmetic results; it is well tolerated
by patients; it can be used to treat multiple superficial lesions in
short treatment sessions; it can be applied to patients who refuse sur
gery or have pacemakers and bleeding tendency; it can be used to treat
lesions in specific locations, such as the oral mucosa or the genital
area; it can be used as a palliative treatment; and it can be applied
repeatedly without cumulative toxicity. Topical ALA-PDT also has pote
ntial as a treatment for nonneoplastic skin diseases. Systemic adminis
tration of ALA does not seem to be severely toxic, but the advantage o
f using this approach for PDT of superficial lesions of internal hollo
w organs is still uncertain. The ALA-derived porphyrin fluorescence te
chnique would be useful in the diagnosis of superficial lesions of int
ernal hollow organs. CONCLUSIONS. Promising results of ALA-based clini
cal PDT and diagnosis have been obtained. The modality has advantages
over conventional treatments. However, some improvements need to be ma
de, such as optimization of parameters of ALA-based PDT and diagnosis;
increased tumor selectivity of ALA- derived PpIX; better understandin
g of light light distribution in tissue; improvement of light dosimetr
y procedure; and development of simpler, cheaper, and more efficient l
ight delivery systems. (C) 1997 American Cancer Society.