Amongst various techniques which can be used for determining diffusion coef
ficients, in refractory materials such as oxides, it is shown that the SIMS
technique offers particular advantages. Especially, SIMS is one of the rar
e techniques for determining diffusion coefficients in oxide thin films.
Consequently, selfdiffusion results obtained during the last ten years in m
assive Cr2O(3) and Al2O3, using isotopic oxygen exchange or thin film metho
d and SIMS analysis of the penetration profiles, are presented and used for
the calculation of the oxidation kinetic constants. It appears that there
is no agreement between calculated and experimental oxidation constants.
Inversely, if diffusion is performed in thin Cr2O3 or Al2O3 layers, using S
IMS for the establishment of the penetration profiles, and with some precau
tions in the diffusion analysis, then, there is agreement between calculate
d and experimental oxidation constants.