Although exchange of genetic information by recombination plays a role in t
he evolution of viruses, the extent to which it generates diversity is not
clear. We analyzed genomes of geminiviruses for recombination using a new s
tatistical procedure developed to detect gene conversions. Geminiviruses (f
amily, Geminiviridae) are a group of plant viruses characterized by a genom
e of circular single-stranded DNA (similar to 2700 nucleotides in length) e
ncapsidated in twinned quasi-isometric particles. Complete nucleotide seque
nces of geminiviruses were aligned, and recombination events were detected
by searching pairs of viruses for sequences that are significantly more sim
ilar than expected based on random distribution of polymorphic sites. The a
nalyses revealed that recombination is very frequent and occurs between spe
cies and within and across genera. Tests identified 420 statistically signi
ficant recombinant fragments distributed across the genome. The results sug
gest that recombination is a significant contributor to geminivirus evoluti
on. The high rate of recombination may he contributing to the recent emerge
nce of new geminivirus diseases. (C) 1999 Academic Press.