Findings of interdisciplinary research that point to a decrease in differen
ces between the generations have caused educational science to reconsider t
he concept of the generational relation regarding its special significance
for pedagogics Against this background, the author draw up a conceptual-the
oretical framework, allowing, on the one hand, to put the inner structure o
f issue at question into a categorial order according to the pedagogical pe
rspective and, on the other hand, to reveal the topical links for the pedag
ogical processing of interdisciplinary findings. The author argues both aga
inst a rash marginalization of the generational relation in educational sci
ence and against an import of knowledge from adjacent disciplines which has
not been sufficiently explicated in terms of pedagogical theory. He instea
d, points to the theoretical gain connected with the concept of the generat
ional relation as a point of orientation for the analysis of the problems o
f adolescence in a constantly changing modern era.