Eggs of intermittently incubating birds are periodically rewarmed by a
transient pulse of heat from the parent's brood patch. Estimating the
energy cost of rewarming such an egg requires knowledge of the egg's
thermal capacity, typically assumed to be the product of the egg's mas
s and its specific heat, designated here as the gravimetric thermal ca
pacity. When chicken eggs are transiently warmed by an artificial broo
d patch, the energetic costs of the rewarming indicate that they have
thermal capacities about one-third the gravimetric thermal capacity. I
n this article, I show that birds' eggs warmed locally by a brood patc
h have effective thermal capacities that differ substantially from the
eggs' gravimetric thermal capacities, both in absolute magnitude and
in response to varying the temporal properties of the transient pulse
of heat. An effective thermal capacity exists because heat from a broo
d patch flows unevenly through an egg and because of thermal impedance
effects on the unsteady component of heat flow into the egg. If these
conditions in any way characterize the rewarming of eggs by intermitt
ently incubating birds in nature, intermittent incubation may be consi
derably less costly in time and energy than has heretofore been assume