The sessile drop method has been used for measurements of the surface tensi
on of haplogranite (HPG) melts containing an excess of alkalis and phosphor
ous (HPG8, HPG8 + 5 wt% Li2O, 5 wt% Na2O, 20 wt% Na2O, 5 wt% K2O, 5 wt% Rb2
O, 5 wt% Cs2O, 10 wt% P2O5) and of Armenian rhyolite in the temperature int
er val, 650-1665 degrees C, and at 1 bar pressure. Sessile drops were place
d on graphite substrates in a Pyrex tube furnace purged with Ar. Drop shape
was monitored with a videocamera and stored in a videorecorder. The surfac
e tension was calculated by measuring the two principal radii of curvature
of the drop shape in vertical cross section. The precision of the method wa
s checked against the surface tension of water. The surface tension of HPG
and rhyolite melt is similar to 280-300 + 5 mN/m in the temperature interva
l 1200-1400 degrees C. Temperature dependence of the surface tension of hap
logranite melts and rhyolite is weak and positive (d sigma/dT = 0.06 to 0.0
9 mN/m/degrees C). Addition of 5 wt% of alkali oxides (except Li2O) results
in a decrease of the surface tension of haplogranite melts. The HPG melts
with 10 wt% P2O5 have 30% higher surface tension than haplogranite melts wi
th excess alkalis, and a negative temperature derivative (d sigma/dT = -0.1
mN/m/degrees C). The HPG melts with 20 wt% Na2O and 5 wt% Li2O exhibit a d
ecrease in surface tension with temperature (d sigma/dT = -0.02 and -0.10 m
N/m/degrees C, respectively).
The surface tension of HPG8 melt saturated with water at 1-4 kbar was measu
red on sessile drops quenched at high pressure in an internally heated gas
vessel at temperatures of 800-1200 degrees C. Water pressure significantly
decreases the surface tension of melt from 270 mN/m at 1 bar (1000 degrees
C) to 65 mN/m at 4 kbar. At 1 bar in "dry" conditions, d sigma/dT = +0.056
mN/m/degrees C and at 3 kbar of water pressure, d sigma/dT = +0.075 mN/m/de
grees C. The decrease in the surface tension of HPG melt at a water pressur
e of several kbars is from -10 to -30 mN/m/wt% H2O. The increase of water c
ontent to more than 10 wt% in granite melts may not result in any significa
nt decrease in the surface tension, which may be explained by formation of
a surface sublayer having physical properties very distinct from those of t
he bulk.