Background: The validity of a review depends on its methodologic quality.
Objective: To determine the methodologic quality of recently published revi
ew articles.
Design: Critical appraisal.
Setting: All reviews of clinical topics published in six general medical jo
urnals in 1996.
Measurements: Explicit criteria that have been published and validated were
Results: Of 158 review articles, only 2 satisfied all 10 methodologic crite
ria (median number of criteria satisfied, 1), Less than a quarter of the ar
ticles described how evidence was identified, evaluated, or integrated; 34%
addressed a focused clinical question; and 39% identified gaps in existing
knowledge. Of the 111 reviews that made treatment recommendations, 48% pro
vided an estimate of the magnitude of potential benefits (and 34%, the pote
ntial adverse effects) of the treatment options, 45% cited randomized clini
cal trials to support their recommendations, and only 6% made any reference
to costs.
Conclusions: The methodologic quality of clinical review articles is highly
variable, and many of these articles do not specify systematic methods.